slut cow to serve and please!!
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Nothing Is Taboo
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I'm a convinced cow cunt, a lover of Cocks and a proud whore. Cunthood it is my sacred duty, one that I accept with grace, and determination, we cunts belong to those who have claimed us as their own property!!
To be used, molested and abused for the greater good.
I have two owners, one distant (but not absent) and one that I live with.
The distant one who showed me this place and order me to make an account. So I'm new here, sorry for the inconvenience.
My whole body is an instrument for pleasure.
My mouth is a gaping hole that begs for Male touch. Represents the ravenous hunger I have for Cock, for the taste, the texture, the warmth Cum, and the juicy Piss that offers me! It's where I express my desire for your affection and surrender myself to your command.
The tits serve as symbols of fertility and motherhood, mere ornaments witch brings a constant reminder of the vital role cunts play, to provide sustenance and comfort.
The ability to lactate like a cow represents my fertility and to breed function, carring his offsprings It is a testament to my value as a cunt, to be able to nourish and sustain another being, yet remain forever dependent upon them. It is the ultimate irony of our existence, the perpetual state of giving while receiving nothing in return. Like a cow 🐮 Moo, mooooo~~
The asshole exists to house your Cum and keep it safe. Represents a cunt capacity for submission and service, our readiness to fulfill our duties no matter the cost! The epitome of devotion and servitude to acknowledge my place below Man 😍
Last and definitely least, the stupid hole that defines me, a filthy cunt! A reminder of my inherent worthlessness, it symbolizes our limitations and represents inadequacy and the constant need for attention that I do not deserve. Affection, comfort and especially pleasure are Male only rights. Pain and humiliation is the only thing the cunt hole understands.
I love all kinds of taboo and kink, my limits are blood, shit and stupid supremacist talk. But at the end of the day I'm a cunt, so who cares what I don't like?
I've been molested, and raped, and beaten, and breeded a few times, especially by acquaintances.
Maybe I'll tell my story one day, with my owner's permission.
My PM is open for everything, (But I'm learning how things work here, so I may not respond immediately) If you're want to ask questions or have a nice conversation, you can reach out to me too. 💞
To be used, molested and abused for the greater good.
I have two owners, one distant (but not absent) and one that I live with.
The distant one who showed me this place and order me to make an account. So I'm new here, sorry for the inconvenience.
My whole body is an instrument for pleasure.
My mouth is a gaping hole that begs for Male touch. Represents the ravenous hunger I have for Cock, for the taste, the texture, the warmth Cum, and the juicy Piss that offers me! It's where I express my desire for your affection and surrender myself to your command.
The tits serve as symbols of fertility and motherhood, mere ornaments witch brings a constant reminder of the vital role cunts play, to provide sustenance and comfort.
The ability to lactate like a cow represents my fertility and to breed function, carring his offsprings It is a testament to my value as a cunt, to be able to nourish and sustain another being, yet remain forever dependent upon them. It is the ultimate irony of our existence, the perpetual state of giving while receiving nothing in return. Like a cow 🐮 Moo, mooooo~~
The asshole exists to house your Cum and keep it safe. Represents a cunt capacity for submission and service, our readiness to fulfill our duties no matter the cost! The epitome of devotion and servitude to acknowledge my place below Man 😍
Last and definitely least, the stupid hole that defines me, a filthy cunt! A reminder of my inherent worthlessness, it symbolizes our limitations and represents inadequacy and the constant need for attention that I do not deserve. Affection, comfort and especially pleasure are Male only rights. Pain and humiliation is the only thing the cunt hole understands.
I love all kinds of taboo and kink, my limits are blood, shit and stupid supremacist talk. But at the end of the day I'm a cunt, so who cares what I don't like?
I've been molested, and raped, and beaten, and breeded a few times, especially by acquaintances.
Maybe I'll tell my story one day, with my owner's permission.
My PM is open for everything, (But I'm learning how things work here, so I may not respond immediately) If you're want to ask questions or have a nice conversation, you can reach out to me too. 💞
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