One of my life goals is to be with or do something of any kind with a true speaking Japanese or Chinese girl. I just never seem to come across any aside from owners of a business... I would give my life for that one experience.
Replies 8

meh take a trip to Japan or Hong Kong. all the oriental pussy you can handle. If you really wanna get freaky. go to PI.

taking a trip is easier said than done. I doubt I will ever have enough money to make it to either of them. But if I did make it I wouldn't be coming back...

cheaper than you think. You can hop a freighter for less than half the airfare..Just takes longer to get there. Stay out of the tourist traps and you can get a hotel for a few bucks a day. Really you would be surprised how cheaply you can live, if you do not mind giving up a few conveniences.

In Goa, India I stayed in a little 12 room hotel for 70RP a day..a buck and a half a day. Food cost was maybe 20RP a meal and liquor was about the same.