I am a white male a I think black men are the superior race. I think we should give them all are white women to fuck and breed with. I think this world should be ruled by the black man and all the white men should be forced to be there sissy sex slave. here is a link to the new world order run by the black man. http://www.blacknewworldorder.com/home.html
Board Posts
I confess I worship powerful black men
i am a 21yo white male, and my fantasy is to be mugged by two strong black thugs. i want them to take my phone, my wallet, everything i own, then punch me just to put me in my place
when theyre about to leave i will get on my knees and beg them, "fuck me, i worship the superior black race"
mmmmm, and then they take me off the path and into the woods a bit and take turns taking my dignity and my virginity
my little white dick shooting cum the whole time
their big long black dicks fucking me so hard and deep that my eyes roll into the back of my head
they fuck me retarded until they're ready to shoot their thick nigger cum deep inside my inferior white boy pussy
i feel their dick throb inside me and i know exactly what theyre doing,
"thank you so much for turning me into a faggot, thank you so much"
21f. I have said this before but I believe men are superior to us women and we are best used for serving our male superiors. Since I can't suck everyone's dick I'll post here to get you off tonight. All I ask is someone cum on my picture and send it to me so I know I did my job.
What do I post first. Tits or ass?
I don't think femi-nazis deserve equality. All the women that rose up and said "We want to be equal" are either dead or senile, and so are the men who oppressed them. There's a new generation of men and women who had nothing to do with any of it and generally see each other as equal, but there are femi-nazis who go around claiming female superiority who I just feel like should be smacked and told to get back in the kitchen before they get it again. The men they're trying to oppress had nothing to do with the oppression of women that they're always so upset about, and no matter how many men they claim to have run into that actually think men are superior, I'm willing to bet the men were either joking or part of the...about 7% of the world's male population who still think that. Anyway, my point is that femi-nazis are basically the worst of humanity, wanting revenge on innocent people for something that never even happened to them and if they want to be so bitter about the oppression of women they should be forced to take about 20 years to experience it so they actually have something to be bitter about.
Now, before I finish, I just wanna clarify what I mean by femi-nazis. 'Cause at one point or another, all women will unfairly trash the entirety of the male population after the occasional bad experience with a guy that perfectly represents how most men ARE NOT. I'm talking about women who go around calling all men scum for the way they treated women, even though they never did any of that and probably weren't even alive when it was going on. The ones who say "All men should be castrated for what they did" and stupid shit like that.
There will NEVER be anything more important to me than the pleasure and satisfaction of my male superiors
Black nigga girls should understand their place as inferior niggas and women to the superior white male. White men should be able to do as they please with us as they’re slaves. I am a dumb nigga slut looking for a master
MASSIVE BBC Wanted for recently become Totally Submissive too Superior Mature Very Dominant Huge Black Cocks as Still consider myself straight as ive only done limited things with BBC older Male ! I am Interracial lifestyle loving professional white male looking to meet VVWE BBC Dominant guys/group 4 arrangement & start a longterm/ongoing friendship/partnership with for them to train up and turn me into slut as love to dress up in FFH nylon seamed stocking ETC fot wearing when Sissyboi & also turnout my white filthy y partner\s to Black cocks only as ive had my stunning white younger slut partners introduced to BBC !!
Looking to meet VERY DOMINANT BLACK GUYS who i can IN time & Set up likely possible business venture in interracial adult material with them !!! AS FOR FINANCIAL GAINS TOO!
Now isn't this a fine negress specimen? I personally think so since I'm the one who owns her, she's a rather sweet girl, turned 22 this year and I've been her owner for a couple years. She was nervous about being in a BDSM relationship when I first found her. Shy, still a virgin, a tad chubby but not at risk of becoming another fat Black landwhale and she is thankfully quite ample in the breast department and I've given her my blessings should she decide to go from a 44DD to a 48E. Now why am I posting this? Because I want to shed some light on the way the world works, White Masters/Owners/Daddies/Primals/etc who prefer pets outside of their race only pick the prime specimens of non-White beauty. Beautiful Whorientals, Negresses, Beanesses, Squaws and Punjabis belong to White men and White men only. I find that non-White women are better suited to being submissive, even negresses who have the reputation for being loud and sassy. They're less likely to talk back, they appreciate the comfort and security that only a White owner can provide them and they're better bred for submissiveness. Now I know many of you are going to lash out at me for it being politically correct and personal I don't care. The truth hurts, particularly Black men who are losing their prime negresses to White men or the rare non-White masters who seek out their women. They're angry because all the 6s(the ones that can actually clean up and look acceptable) and 10s pay them no mind. They're left with the obese and ugly females of their race, the ones that no master would ever dream of touching. As for my submissive little pet, she has no desire to sully herself by lying with an inferior male of her race and has quite happily spoken out loud her love and appreciation of White men and her vow to only allow White cocks to enter her body. Unless I deem a male of another race acceptable as long as he proves that he can handle a submissive like a real man. To date I've never seen Black men be able to handle a true female like a real man, save for two rare Dominants who I am acquainted with but yet and still they know better than to request the property of a White man. This is the way of the world whether you like it or not, your women serve White men while we leave you the scraps. Keep that in mind when you look at the beauties of other races, their mouths have sucked a White dick, their pussies have been filled by a White cock, their tight asses have been split open by a White cock. They've swallowed White cum, they've had White cum sprayed on their faces, they're rub White cum all over their breasts. When you're having obligatory polite sex with your wife or girlfriend, she's not thinking of you she's thinking of a superior male fucking her. Ask the inferior men who've tried desperately to get my pet's attention, showing off their pathetic cocks in hopes that she'll lower herself to the status of gutterwhore. Sometimes such men will scurry away when they realize she's not going to respond to their weak pleas and other times she'll simply send them a picture of my cock in her pussy or ass.
Alright listen up inferior males, you're about to get a crash course in how the world really works. This post is geared towards Black males. See that gorgeous set of tits up there? Naturally big, perfectly suckable nipples and currently free from bite marks? I own every inch of that sweet little brown bunny and she knows it, she knows her place and is thus rewarded for her submission. Now you may be wondering why such a fine negress specimen kneels before me, happily sucks my cock until my is pouring down her throat, begs for me to fuck her anyway I wish? Simply, for you see only a White Man can provide the proper care, attention, comfort and training to a female of any race but particularly non-White females. I've personally found that the negress makes for the perfect submissive. I've found that negresses aren't as difficult and mouthy as many make them out to be save for ill-educated ghetto garbage. Sure they can be sassy but once you show them that they're dealing with a real man they mellow down, they still have that fire but they know better than to step out of line. However I'd like to talk more about my pet, my little brown bunny. I've had my pet for the past 5-years and have claimed her in every way imaginable. She's smart(I deliberately sought out a negress the pursued a proper education), beautiful, obedient and doesn't need to be told twice when given task. She was a tad chubby when I first met her but not to the degree that was she unattractive, though after losing a total 15.7 pounds she's definitely at her peak. Now face wise she has a pretty face even if she isn't Zoe Saldaña or Gabrielle Union or even Lupita N'yongo, yet she has a good face without being a butterface(poor cursed creatures they are). She was easy to corrupt yet throughly enjoyed the process. A tip I offer to men looking for their own submissive pets; go for the innocent girls who try to act naughty, they're quite open to the idea of being the property of a man. My Bunny was the same, she wanted to be naughty but was so shy that even the idea of me putting a finger inside that tight pussy of hers made her nervous. But I took it slow and steady with her and now my Bunny begs for me to fuck her on all fours and I've bred that tight puckered ass of her more often than not lately. Yet all this is possible because a White man is the only man who can truly tame a woman bit especially a negress. By the end of the year I intend to marry my Bunny as she is the only submissive I've had that was worthy of truly being my property and bearing my mark. So my message to other White Masters is simple; don't feel scared to speak your mind about the natural order of the world and never forget that non-White women make superior submissives and pets. As for the Black men reading this, once again take a look at my Bunny's lucious tits. My cum has covered them, my tongue has traced long wet trails over her skin, my teeth have drawn blood from her tits, her pussy has been bred by me damn near on a daily basis. To put it simply you're looking at a White Man's property and you'd best remember that.
Re: Scat fetish.
Had to chuckle at some of the wowser posts complaining about shit fetish, that didn't mention anything about extreme violence or abuse that actually, really is a problem out in the real world. (Well, I guess shit is also a problem, more in the sanitation/engineering field than sexuality)
I happen to find scenes of extreme abuse against women pretty disturbing, mostly because they lack originality, but also because of normal empathy. But I don't let it wreck my day just because others like the fantasy of it. So why is scat such a problem?
In my case scat is pretty polarising; I love some kinds and find other kinds rotten. I reckon an athletic young chick, like a gymnast, stretching into a squat, splits or pike; displaying the long strong sinews of her legs and the muscular pulsing of her pelvic floor and anus, is pretty hot. When she bears down with all the power in her abdomen to force a huge, hard brown log through the supple elastic grip of her asshole I can't look away. When she grunts with exertion and then relieved satisfaction, I feel her joy in my twitching cock. I feel her health and vitality. I'll even get off on the sub/dom fantasy of her pushing it directly into some male victim's gob, so he feels her superior strength in the unstoppable, structural-grade turd being driven driven into his most personal space like a stinky unwelcome guest. If she counters the gross and animal act by being sweet and feminine, perhaps in a pretty little dress or lingerie, perfect. Now that's anti-reality and nice IMO.
On the other hand - dirty scat. Where some group fat, old, ugly granny or grandpa's squirt sick yellow porridge out of thier bulbous hairy purple assholes that look like they belong in a pathology report. and crawl around in leather leashes licking it up of the floor that's crusted up with the leftovers of last week's session. I guess that's closer to reality, but I don't like it.
Scat is not Scat and the reasons for liking defy definition, so the complainers are a bit simple minded.
its' the New World Order; decreed and mandated by Superior White Males....
Since when was criticizing a woman's morbid sense of logic equal woman hater? Just cause a male questions or 'confronts' a woman about her self righteous ideals, does not mean that we hate your gender, we just are trying to understand this insane 'Equality/Superiority' you call philosophy.
You might not want to admit it, but deep down between every other drama you manage to create, you know it's true. Read a Craigs list post sometime:
'treat me like a queen and pay my cell phone bill'
'Sexy thang looking for a $ugar Daddy'
'Must own car, house, 401 K, no smoking, drinking, Must LIKE kids'
No bullshit, those are real ads. So how should we think and or treat your gender. Face it reality tv has destroyed the woman's movement and has made us reconsider the Suffragette movement. When a fish can walk on land, man will understand woman. I love your gender, the whole amusement park effects you have on our gender and the dramatic non-sense of a greek drama. Please remove the grip you have on the balls of 'nice guys', you have the gays, the hipsters and thugs. But let the nice guys come back to normal male reality, they make the best tech support guys and we can no longer have them bogged down with thoughts of the near hope of getting laid.
What is with this Africa Group that begs "No racist comments Please" Yet the contents within are demeaning to white folks such as pig faces on anglo women and black men leading white women around by the neck by a leash under the heading of "black superiority" This is a disgusting commentary on attitudes of the the angry black person whose group this is. Africa is populated by Africans - to ask that no one make racist comments is cowardly as the content is not racial but behavioral and very typical of the out of control entitled and self righteous attitudes that the Black community in America cloaks itself under. If these are American women being lead by the nose by African males - no problem - But if this posts pretends to disguise itself under the label African but the owner is nothing more than a Fergusson rioter than I think you can expect a lot of flak.
No one treats black women in the way I witnessed this bogus Africa group treats white ladies in only the short period that I was at that despicable gallery. Blacks are no more superior than you have been mistreated. And guess what - you have not been mistreated. Superior oh sure like obama is the best p******** our country has ever seen. Time to grow up and get a brain to match that superiority that you are claiming - yes?
Male superiority. What woman want and deserve
I confess that I'm addicted to sex and watch porn on the net as often as I can. I've been married for quite a while and still find my wife beautiful, even though she's not as slim as when she first caught my eye. A majority of the porn I watch is Cuckold, sharing, wives cheating etc. I think a lot about how hot it would be to watch another guy fuck her....I think the first time I might start feeling uneasy after I've shot my load on the floor and see the the two of them naked and in each other's arms. I wouldn't want her to start fucking around with any of the guys behind my back.....but I really want to set it up...and see some guy really enjoying fucking her...that would make me proud to see the satisfaction on his face and the sounds of raw pleasure each of them would make....fucking in our marital bed...sweat and sexual juices leaking onto the bed I'll be sleeping on...and as I masturbate and try to time my climax with theirs....my breathing and moans would join in with theirs..creating a hot, erotic and probably unholy taboo melody. I'm already sowing the seeds of my idea with my wife....a little at a time...and thinking about the best way to find some superior guys...who don't know us or any of our friends. I already know a lot of you that read this will not approve of any part of it....that I'm a perv etc. However, I would love to hear from any of you (male or female) that have the same desires or live..or have lived this life style...please give me some tips...ideas or cautions....thanks for your patience.
Teen has seen reality and submitted to the superior male race
A long time ago, but not too long that I can’t remember it, I had an affair with one of my step-mothers. I don’t know which number she was, as my father never told us about some of his wives, but I do believe she had been wife number four and number seven at different times.
She had waited for the right moment to begin in earnest. There wasn’t much but “accidentally” left open doors and some “oops” nudity during the first marriage. Enough to make me curious but not enough to be inviting to trying something.
During the second marriage is when things went full blown. By this time my father was not able to have sex at all because of medication he was taking that left him impotent. When he was away she’d play and play often. It wasn’t odd that she’d have a couple male (and some female) friends over for the weekend, all of them holed up in her room, while the stench and sounds of sex came from within.
The years between marriages hadn’t been the best to her. She was never quite hot to begin with but she had some looks. During the first marriage she was skinny with small tits and what could be considered a bigger ass for her frame. When the second marriage came around she had been doing drugs and living hard for awhile and had acquired a bit of a paunch. Her ass didn’t look as good with the paunch, and her small tits were not nearly as firm as they had been before. Like I said, not quite hot but had some looks that she’d let go a bit due to drugs and hard living. Still enough to get my young hormones going though and if you hadn’t seen her from before there wouldn’t have been enough of a difference for anyone to care.
My father was out traveling the country as part of his job for weeks on end. It ended up with just her and I in the house most of the time and she kept up with the “accidental” door openings, more overt teasing than before (she loved parading around the house in nothing but a towel that just barely covered her). I fully admit to standing at a vantage point to see through the door while her and her friends were inside, jerking off to her getting fucked. I was still at the point where I wasn’t sure if she knew or not; sometimes I was sure she knew but other times I doubted it. She never really let on either way until after we started fucking.
I’m also pretty sure she had spied on me when I was jerking off in my bedroom alone. I’d hear a floor creak or a rush of air would jiggle the door (we had really shitty doors) just enough to know someone had been outside of it a moment before. I know she had watched some of my first ever blowjob.
She had a liberal view of friends coming over, which meant that I could have girls come over to spend the night just as much as guys. I’d fooled around some with girlfriends but never really closed a deal on anything until a girl I knew came over to spend the night. Her and I weren’t a couple and were barely friends at the time but it was one of those “we know this is going somewhere, we just don’t know where…” type relationships. Early the next morning, after a smoke or two, the girl and I got to talking and I negotiated a blowjob from her. I sat on the bed, she pulled my cock out, and sucked it like a pro. As this girl was sucking me off I saw something out of the corner of my eye, in the window, a shadow or something, that moved. I looked over and saw something dart down. I caught just enough of the black hair to recognize that it was my step-mother’s head that had gone out of sight. I told the girl that I wanted to change position. I stripped naked, we changed position, and she went back to sucking my cock. I played with her tits and looked out the corner of my eye at the window. I had positioned us so that if my step-mother were to look again she’d get a perfect view of everything; my cock, the girl sucking it, the girl’s tits… everything. After a minute or two more the girl was set to make me cum and I got a bit loud. I saw that movement at the window again and did a quick glance; it was definitely my step-mother and she was watching the climax. I came in the girl’s mouth, at the girl’s insistence, and made sure she got every drop. I stood up and the head disappeared from view again.
Nothing was said until later that night when after dinner, while my step-mother and I were sitting on the couch in the den, she asked if I had gotten any from the girl. Even though I knew she knew I still had that bit of doubt that crept in, just like when I was outside her door jerking off, and I told her that I had gotten a blowjob but not revealing that I knew she had watched.
This was another thing she was liberal about: sex talk. She’d ask questions as if she were doing a paper for some sex studies class but without being clinical about it. She’d go downright raunchy when she wanted. She asked if it was my first blowjob, how it felt, did I cum in her mouth or on her tits or on her face, did I fuck her, did she rim me or finger fuck my ass… just about anything one could ask.
So I told her about it. Told her it was my first, it felt great, came in the girl’s mouth and how I was bummed she had to leave instead of being able to stay and get/do more. As I told her all of this I was getting hard again, thinking about the blowjob, and the fact that my step-mother was in that damned towel wasn’t helping matters. I didn’t realize at first but she was getting closer to me on the couch as I was telling her. Around the time I got to the part about being bummed that I wasn’t going to get anymore for awhile she was almost on top of me, which is when I noticed. I noticed that she was so close to me that I could feel her tits, small as they were, brushing against my arm. I swear I could feel heat from her pussy emanating onto my thigh. I looked over at her and saw that that damned towel was undone just enough so that I could see down it at her tits. The hard-on that I had got harder, which surprised me, and I knew there was no hiding it as the bulge on the front of my pants was just too noticeable.
As I stared at her tits, finally silent, I felt her hand move onto my bulge. She was alternating between light and hard strokes over it, driving me crazy. She caught my attention and I looked up at her face. She confessed that she had watched through the window and it turned her on to see me getting my first blowjob. While she confessed this she undid my pants and put her hand into my underwear, stroking and squeezing my cock. I sat there staring at her face, relief and shock vying for control of my mind as at least one secret was out in the open.
She then pulled my pants and underwear down and off, straddled me, and played with my cock, jerking it. She told me that she knew I’d been jerking off outside her bedroom door, that it turned her on to know I was watching her get fucked. As she told me this she moved the head of my cock to rub the outside of her pussy. She moved in and kissed me, full on tongue. When she pulled back she discarded that damned towel then whispered into my ear, “You don’t have to wait too long have some more…”
The last word had barely enough time to linger in my ear as she grabbed my cock and put it inside of her. She used her hands to push me back onto the couch, kissing me as she took the rest of me inside of her. She was riding hard but slow, deliberate strokes, showing me a good time while also getting herself off. After the initial shock of what was happening wore off I got into it and kissed back with the same passion she showed. As she was getting closer to climax she started riding faster and harder, letting out moans. I could feel my own climax building and told her so. She told me to cum inside of her and as I did she grasped me tight, shivering. As I emptied the last of what I had she fell into me and panted, shivering more. I asked if she was alright and she responded yes, but that I wasn’t done. She “may have cum once but once isn't enough”.
We lay there on the couch for a bit, had a smoke, then she took me to her bedroom. She lay down on the bed, spread her legs and told me to eat her. I was apprehensive, as I had never done so, but knowing that she’d guide me. I kneeled down and started licking her. She tasted quite good and I didn’t even care that I could taste myself and my cum in her. All mixed together it tasted great. I took her directions as I ate my first creampie and soon enough she was cumming. She made me go one more time, this time adding in eating her ass, and she came once more all while directing me to how she liked it.
When I stood up I was hard again. She pushed me onto my back on the bed and started sucking my cock. After a minute or two she stopped and asked if she was better than the girl from before. I told her it was no contest. She retorted, “You should bring that girl back and I’ll teach her how to really suck a cock” before returning to doing so herself. I was getting close to cumming again when she stopped.
After wiping her face off she came up, kissed me again, and said it was time for me to fuck her right. She moved onto all fours and told me to fuck her from behind. I moved up behind her, trying to get my cock in, when she reached behind and guided me. Her pussy felt like an even better heaven from this angle and I started pounding away as soon as I got a groove going.
A couple minutes later I was cumming inside of her again, deeper this time. When I had finished I popped right down to eat her again. It had tasted so good mixed together before I wanted more. I had better access to her pussy and ass this time with a far grander idea of what she liked and ate her like she enjoyed. She came once more and we took a bit of a long break.
After resting, making small talk and having a few smokes she said me she was going to be direct with me. She told me she had wanted to fuck me for a long time but held off until I had done something with someone else first. She said she was trying to wait until I lost my virginity but couldn’t and settled for the blowjob I had gotten. She had hoped that I’d take advantage of the two of us being home alone all the time, what with my jerking off to her getting fucked, but got frustrated that I never worked up the nerve to do something.
Then she gave me a choice; we could make this a one time thing and be done with it or we could continue. She told me that if we continued she’d make sure I’d experience things most people would spend their lives regretting not doing or trying to attain. She countered that it might be best if I did seek those things out myself in my own time. She admitted that she wanted to keep fucking and to show me the wide world of sex.
I didn’t hesitate to tell her that I’d love to keep fucking her and I’d be more than willing to do whatever she had in mind.
Over the next four years, the length of time that her marriage to my father lasted from that point on, we fucked almost daily. She was or had introduced me to my first everything. She was my first anal, my first facial, my first fisting, my first golden showers and my first pegging. She introduced me to cocksucking and getting fucked by men.
That girl that had given me my first blowjob? She was part of my first threesome with the step-mother, after a little liquor to loosen her up to the idea of fucking my step-mother as well as myself. The step-mother taught her how to eat pussy just like she had taught me. She showed the girl how great getting her pussy ate was. She also taught her how to give a superior blowjob, just like she had said she would.
Threesomes, foursomes, and more. Just about everything under the sun she was a part of the first of.
And the seconds, and the thirds, and the fourths, and…