Little sexy indigenous girl I fuck. 19 years old and let’s me do anything
Sexy Aboriginal Women
Sexual Imperialism
Board Posts
What are we doing to this indigenous whore?
>no health care
>whites are a minority
>massive debt
>can't get elected unless you believe in Bronze Age fairy tales
>slavery and mass murder of indigenous people
>kill brown children in wars for cheap oil
>play a "sport" where large black men wear armour and grab each others' genitals
>no culture
>take credit for winning both world wars when you only played a minor role
>assassinates citizens with drones
>shoots kindergardeners on a yearly basis
>average citizen owns at least 3 guns
>still uses imperial system
>still tortures
>still has death penalty
>quarter of the population is in prison
>banana republic levels of income inequality
>high crime despite wealth
>high poverty despite wealth
>injecting chemicals into ground for cheap gas
>builds wood-houses and uses overground electricity
>majority of population denies evolution
>draconian levels of military spending
>mutilate their babby's genitals
>3rd world murder rate
>govt regularly starts a war every few years, typically with faked evidence for cheap oil
>govt can legally tap your phone
>govt can legally know what websites you visit and what books you got from the library
>govt can search your room if you drew a picture of a weapon
White European People.
Just look around the World and see what the White People have taken away from Coloured People.
Africans taken from Africa to become Slaves in America, Aborigines had their Children taken off of them and put with White People because the Aborigines are Nomadic People.
Native American Indians were lied to and run off Their Land and put on Reservations.
The list goes on.
Indigenous Peoples All Around the World have had their Worlds turned upside down because the White People believe the Best and Only Way is Their Own Way.
White People brought many diseases to the Indigenous of the World Hundreds of Years Ago.
White People brought their Christian Beliefs to many Coloured Races because they did not understand nor except Other Races Ideas of Living.
Our Rain Forests are being Torn Down by White People without even taking into Account the many Races of People that live in those Forests and the many possible Cures for Diseases there may be in the Rain Forest.
I am White and have Studied History and am Ashamed of what White People have done to All Other Races for Hundreds of Years.
Now the People of Other Races are Lost and Trying to find their way Home and Back to the way their Fore-Fathers Lived.