Would love to hear more about the names he called you. Feel free to DM me.
Thank you! I do my best to live up to the name.
Good man, it sounds like he knows you very well. Have things escalated yet or is he still taking his time?
Yep, It's your job as the head of household to make sure that man has a shot with your wife. Either by confronting her and insisting she stop teasing him or by giving him a pass to be more forward with her
Oh I do, and have recently. You're welcome to DM me if you'd like to chat about it.
Such a shame he seems to have you wrapped around his finger now. A nasty bit of work who seems to have a direct line to making you his toy. How did meeting him yesterday go? As terrible as you feel, it had to be fun
You should send him a snap video of you walking around a sex toy shop without acknowledging where you are
Looking forward to hearing from you xxx
Damn good plan. Make sure to hint that you would like pics/updates, screenshots from the convo from his end. Let him know if he needs any help from your end, you're available. (Getting everyone out of the house for a few hours so he can stop by, kinks or fetishes he can play in to, buying her lingerie and telling her to take pics in it knowing he'll make her send him pics)
Send him a pic back of your wife's ass when she's wearing your favorite panties
Gotta text her back and let her know you'll keep an eye out for her text next time she sleeps over. So you can come find out what that noise is ;)