Moral-Free does NOT equal Law-Free,
Get it straight because this is the most absolute retarded complaint I have see on this site from people.
"Durrr, They say 'moral-free' but they delete anything that they don't agree with, durrrrr"
Look, morals are a separate group of behavior guidelines that laws.
Morals say that images of a headless woman are wrong and that to protect the honor and dignity of a human being certain pictures should be taken down, however, the law says that crime scene pictures are a matter of public record. Therfore, since the site abeys LAWS and completely ignores morals, the picture stays up, as true to the site motto.
A 12 year old getting cummed on after a handjob, while not against some peoples morals, is indeed against the law, therfore, it is removed.
While many laws were created due to morals, the letter of the law does not equal morality, so stop your bitchin. At least know what your saying before you open your mouth.