I'm a 25 year old male. My girlfriend is 24 and she lives with her 19 year old sister. They were both out of the house and since I have a key to their place I let myself in to watch tv. I decided to snoop in the sisters room and I found her vibrator. It was in the package but it was opened. I don't think it was used at that point (was in the package in a bag with the receipt) but still it was hot. Anyway a few weeks later I was back in the same situation and looked in her drawer and this time was different. Still in the bag and hidden but not in the package. There were pubes all around the bottom of it and it smelled of sweet juicy pussy. I licked all over it and tasted her dried pussy juice all over it. That got me so hard I had to fap, I started to use the vibrator and came on some dirty panties. I've done this 3 times now. I really wish I had some way to hide a camera or in some way catch her in the act. What should I do?
Replies 14

Yeah I'm an idiot. Maybe you could help in how I should do that. Where do I get a camera for that? What kind? Maybe a suggestion on anything else I should do.

sounds hot.
u can get some pretty cool spycams on amazon, maybe u wanna take a look.
would be awesome if u could catch her playing with herself =D

You should stop lying, or at least make up a good story.
Idk what kind of wookie slut you are fapping too, but vibrators don't get "pubes all around the bottom of it".
Do me a favor and don't reproduce. You are stupid and we have enough of that in the world already.

Not a lot of pubes...just a few so no wookie. I already have reproduced so too late.
P.S. College educated. Not stupid. And it's 100% true. You are just jealous. Go be a fag somewhere else.

She's cute, about 5'4" with big C cups. I'll add some pictures and when I get a chance I'll take a video of me going into her room and getting out the vibrator (when she isn't home of course).
It's so damn hot though, I've always tried to imagine her bating (it's my main fetish...girls bating and spying on them doing it) and to find her vibrator and know that she uses it is almost too much. I think about it every time I'm around her. I really want to get a spy cam and put it in her room but I have to be careful because I live with her sister (my GF) so deliveries might be hard if I order a camera. Also money isn't exactly plentiful because of the holidays and I just started a new job. Will keep everyone posted.

Also not a wookie as far as I know :) I think she keeps it trimmed a little down there the few hairs were shortish and she has one of those small bikini area razors and it looks used too.