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She couldn't stop looking

302,983 Views570 Favorites06 Apr 2012


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


18 Mar 2024
I guess she couldn't stop looking at the camera.


25 Aug 2018


21 Aug 2018
what a waste of time


29 May 2016
Can someone please help me out?? Did we ever get to see what she was actually looking at???


26 Apr 2016
you know she would have given him a hand if no one was around


19 Apr 2014
it even looks like she took our her phone to record it for herself for later viewing.


29 Jan 2014
Well that's 6.23 minutes I'll never get back!


29 Jan 2014
Well I can tell its a UK train


04 Jun 2013
Feel sad for the ..if only he knew


01 Apr 2013
I think she wants it!


04 Dec 2012
could of at least shown us what she couldn't stop looking at.


29 Nov 2012
I don't get it, whats she even looking at?


16 Oct 2012
Wow, first typo of the day... *emphasizes


16 Oct 2012
@bodiebob I don't see what everyone is so upset about. Sure your comment was negatively affront, but at-least you gave your opinion and had some valid points. @fapper I sort of respect you approach as the "white knight keyboard warrior", however you practically just showed up out of nowhere so stating overused lines such as "nobody really cares about what you say," before gaining any recognition just emphasis how much of an amateur anti-troller you are.


15 Oct 2012
the uploader: one creepy motherfucker (even by motherless standards)

The video: sucks copious amounts of balls. next time you're thinking about uploading an example of the freakshow that goes on in your head, throw your computer out the window.


15 Oct 2012
she is thinking, can you please stop filming me? what a waste of time.


14 Oct 2012
bob shut the fuck up. you want to rant and rave then go into politics. nobody really cares about what you say. if youu dont like the videos then heres the best solution for you DONT WATCH THEM. easy as that. i guarantee your a social outcast that always hides away in plain site but when your in your room it all changes. you wanna become that badass. let me tell you something then. shoting your mouth off makes you a little bitch. grow up you morbidly obese pussy. thank you and have a nice day


06 Aug 2012
she is looking at the camera


10 Jul 2012
if she was truly creeped out she would have look away and ignore him most likely; she would not continually look at his dick then at his face if she wasn't at least a little turned on


09 Jul 2012
Well bodiebod I won't be as polite as brews2u2 and Laterthanthat. I will simple say. Stop being a fucking douche and either upload content or shut your whore mouth and that was me being nice to someone like you.


09 Jul 2012
I would comment on your uploads, Bodiebob. but there aren't any.


13 May 2012
Dont get it is that a bulge in his pants or is he flashing?