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010. Evil Dead - Ellen Sandweiss (uncut tree rape).wmv

10,976 Views24 Favorites20 Dec 2010


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04 Aug 2024
@Middle_Aged_Man Yes the book was written about that woman's experience. The book was written in the 70s and later mde into a movie in 1983.


03 Aug 2024
@Annaisnaughty There is actually a book titled "The Entity" as well, talking early 90's. I read it, lol


31 Jul 2024
@Middle_Aged_Man that movie was based off of a woman who claimed to have actually experienced being raped by ghosts. Only i don't think she ever got free of it. I think it followed her when she moved to Texas.


01 Jul 2023
Talk about getting rooted lol


29 Jun 2023
Old movie but partially responsible for my tentacle fetish. Another older movie from the 80's is called the "Entity" with a young Barbara Hersey iirc. A story about a young women who get routinely raped by an unseen demon that her doctors think is all in her head, but eventually they manage to temporarily capture it. Its actually based on a novel and in the novel there is line about how cold its feels inside her and the stink it leaves after its done. Great book and movie


29 Jun 2023
gota love those demons :)